Tyler Morning Telegraph from Tyler, Texas (2024)

Sec. I I TO HELP ANYWHERE Insula Washinon MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1967 4 Stolen Weapons Still At Large i itess ssasat Tgler Morning Telegraph Puoliinaa tverj ninrnliia xrept Sunit tj THI T. B. BUTLER PUBLISHING COMPANY r.o so mjo rviir rnu tstoi OwnMl I Builti Iitita Second Clmst PoiUm Paid ryler Inu irToneoui reflection upon the entr.cut repuUUoo enj proiu firm corporation which aity aptwar tolumn ol rhe Tylet Wnrnlne Talearapb will tlaillf eorrerted upnr it oelni brnuiht to the attention the oublUher fl Buonerlptlnn Raue Mornlot Onl I month i 60 I rear iimiu momm. unria? 1 month SI .90.

I Tear i Tha lunelatoil Prean In entitled exelmlreij to ue for rapuollcetlon 01 JJ Vffll' il upasr in recent civil disorders has been far more hazardous than the policeman's. In eleven riots investigated by the senators, firemen suffered 438 casualties including six deaths. Less than half that number of policemen were injured or killed. According to the subcommittee's unpublished findings, the largest number of casualties among firemen occurred during riots in Los Angeles, 183; De-troit, 83; Newark, 35;" Rochester, N. 25, and New York City, 24.

Of the six firemen killed, three were shot by snipers. Cleveland authorities have furnished the subcommittee with evidence that, snipers have tried dozens of times to bushwhack firemen in" that city since last year's racial disturbances. The snipers set up their ambushes by turning in false alarms, then lay in wait for the firemen to arrive on the scene. Fourteen firemen have been injured by snipers. As many as 30 false alarms a day have been credited to suspected snipers.

Senator James Eastland, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is planning legislation to protect these unarmed firefighters. When his committee considers the House passed riot-control bill later this month, Senator Eastland, will tack an amendment onto the hill making it a federal offense for a person to interfere with a fireman while on duty. The AFL-CIO Fire Fighters Union has cited the need for such an amendment, pointing out that since the riots occurred no persons shooting at or injuring firemen have been arrested or convicted, nr TESTIMONIAL DINNERS -The censuring of Senator Thomas Dodd (D-Conn.) by the Senate for personal use of campaign funds raised at testimonial dinners is making other members more sensitive. In advance of a $50-a-pIate dinner on his behalf, Senator Wayne Morse is sending the following note to those being invited: "I have been informed by the Washington, committee to re-elect me to the' Senate that you have received an invitation to attend a fund-raising reception in my behalf. I want you to know that any campaign funds which are raised will be controlled by the committee and every dollar spent paying campaign expenses.

None of the money will come to me personally." Persons handling a $100-a-plate testimonial dinner for Senator Gaylord Nelson, are giving the same assurances to those invited. his Senate censure, Senator Thomas Dodd has received more than 50 invitations to speak before local groups in his home state. (Dlit. 1967. Publishers-Hall Srnd.k (All Rithts Reserved) Isetl atwe printed in Milt neweptper a well all dlnijatebaa MEMBERS OF THI ASSOCIATED PRSBS 1 -S Pon't Turn Your Car Diilo 'A Bloat East Texas is cominfr into that season of the year that is usually rainy.

Even if the downfall is only light, it is well to remember that it takes only one-fifth of an inch of water on the road to turn your car into a boat. Disaster can be the result because of a phenomenon called hydroplaning. When a vehicle travels on roads covered with as little as one-fifth of an inch of water, slush, oil or even mud, the front wheels can ride the surface of the fluid just like a surfboard or water skis on a lake. When the front wheels hydroplane, the driver loses ability to steer, and most important, he loses the use of his front wheel brakes. Warning of the dangers; Texas University extension engineer Henry O'Neal, explains that major factors in hydroplaning are depth of fluid on the road, surface conditions, amount of tire tread, air pressure in the tires, and speed of the vehicle.

Threadbare tires have lost their ability to "wipe" moisture off the road, and underinflated tires tend to lower the speed at which a car will hydroplane. For example, an auto with tires inflated at 24 to 30 pounds will hydroplane at speeds ranging from 50 to 57 miles an hour. Partial hydroplaning can. occur at 30 miles an hour if your tires carry only 24 pounds. At about 50 miles an hour the front tires are lifted up on a tough film of water with only ribs touching.

At 55 miles an hour the front tires lose all contact, and at 60 the front wheels can come to a complete stop! No one can know, O'Neal says, how many traffic accidents have resulted from hydroplaning. It may be a key factor in many "mystery crashes" where a car goes out of control for no known reason. The main point for safety is to keep speed moderate when driving on wet roads. And make sure the tires have plenty of tread and that they are correctly inflated. If you do skid, the engineer says to keep off the brakes and the gas.

Turn in the direction you wish to travel that is, if the rear end swings left, steer left and vice versa. MHawMHBMHaBHHHw9B A Country Boy's Impressions WtLn's Dl ODapiiened Last Night NY music trade papers to repeat its success here. Rocky the Airedales are hoping to return to America and be "discovered" by their homeland. THE MIDNIGHT EARL. Eleanor Searle Whitney, ex-wife of Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney, told friends at Nando's that she's become an ardent Billy Graham disciple and has been taking a training course in the Crusade for Christ at Arrowhead, Calif.

Ros-sellini arrives soon (with dtr. Ingrid) for the N.Y. Film Festival. Brando's take for "Reflections In a Golden Eye" was a million. Crawford will give a Halloween party at the N.Y.

zoo for USO (with all guests in animal masks). Joe DiMaggio will fly here as a character witness in financier Louis Wolfson's court case. CBS was flooded with calls on the rumor of maestro Ray Bloch's death (but it was veteran disk jockey Martin Block) Stuff: An often-wed film star said at the Rainbow "If you keep marrying, as I do, you learn everybody's Andrews and Robert Q. Lewis'll do a five-month tour in "Odd Couple" Eaton's trying to change Lana Turner's mind about divorcing him. Actor Bob Dishy bought his way out of "The Unknown Soldier and His Wife" so fie can star in Carl Reiner's comedy, "Something The outdoor musical numbers for "Oliver!" are being filmed simultaneously, to take advantage of London's unusually nice weather.

story going around is about a nationally famed personality who stubbed out his cigarette in a bjstander's palm as a gag. Bustaceous singer Jane Morgan, who's showing her lower spine in her gowns at the Royal Box, has been asked to do the first show aboard the Queen Mary when it's moved to San Diego. Eklund and nanny are taking an apartment in New York while she films "The Night They Raided Minsky's" and Petter Sellers will be along any hour. of the new TV shows has more darned throat-cutting and maneuvering to switch the personnel, and meanwhile, there are rumors the show'll be cancelled. I'D RATHER BE LIGHT TODAY'S BEST LAUGH: Vaughn Meader says he's tried to imitate LBJ's voice: "But every time I do, I fall asleep." WISH I'D SAID THAT: Other people are gossips.

We, of course, are merely being informative-Arnold Glasow. REMEMBERED QUOTE: "To make a success of old age, a fellow has to start Larmour. EARL'S PEARLS: "When I was a kid," writes Tony Delia, "I got spanked so often that when I sat down I left my father's fingerprints." Comic Don Rickles, doing the Jerry Lewis TV'er, counted the musicians and sighed, "Too bad, Jerry. You have 30 men-Dean has earl, brother. (Olst.

Ifi7. PuMlihfrs-Hall Sind.) (All Rlrhts Reserved) 'Built in' Sounds Big City By DAN CUFF NEW YORK (AP) On coming from the sticks to the big city: Where the teachers play hookey instead of the kids. Where the tables and chairs in the sidewalk cafe are chained to the wall to prevent the patrons and passer-by from walking off with them. Where the air can get thick and yellow and where everything costs' too much. My immigrant forefathers strove mightily to leave this place.

But I come back. There's no place in Manhattan for the middle class, they say. Go to Queens, they advise. Only the rich and the poor can live in Manhattan. Mother-in-law lives 20 miles out and hasn't visited the city in 15 years.

"Wouldn't go there on a bet," she says. But I believe there's a place for us. All my life I've been fed the adventure and romance of life in the city, where everything happens first, where they never roll up the sidewalks, where all the exciting people live. But now" they tell me it's impossible to live here. The policeman on the street says: "you looking for an apartment in this neighborhood? Don't do it.

They raise dogs around here, not kids." The neighborhood I choose, they tell me later is the junkie capital of the world. My car is broken into three timeS the first week. For their trouble, they get one beat-up baby stroller. Apartment hunting, my wife asking: "Is the neighborhood safe?" The standard answer, spoken almost with the pride of someone living up to a reputation: "No place in New York is safe." How to develop that tough, al By ROBERT S. ALLEN and PAUL SCOTT WASHINGTON Those summer riots left several of the large U.

S. cities loaded with hidden guns. Thousands of weapons, including hundreds of rifles, stolen during or since the rioting have not been recovered by local law enforcement authorities. Many of these weapons are believed to be in the possession of dangerous militants. One of the most explosive situations appears to be in Detroit.

Police officials in that racial-tense city have informed congressional probers that nearly all of the 2,700 guns stolen during the violent rioting there are still missing. Another 400 weapons, including 150 rifles, are unaccounted for in that city. These guns were taken from a sporting goods store after revolutionary leader H. Rap Brown made a post-riot speech urging militant Negroes In Detroit to "go get a gun. yourself for the troubled days ahead." That's the alarming Information gathered by investigators of Senator John McClellan's, Permanent Investigating subcommittee now probing the causes behind this summer's racial violence.

The McClellan subcommittee, which plans to hold hearings in October in Detroit and Newark, has received" similar disturbing warnings from police authorities in the latter city. The Newark law endorcement officials have revealed that less than 100 of the 1,000 guns stolen during the rioting there have been recovered despite inten sive searching. The controversial house-to- house search by New Jersey na tional guardsmen, they reported, accounted for the recov ery of 60 of the stolen weapons. Police in Detroit found 40 stolen weapons among the 263 guns taken from persons arrest ed during the five day riot ing there. Significantly, many of the weapons taken from or found near the 22 persons ar rested for sniping were stolen guns.

Other stolen weapons were discovered on several of the 26 persons charged with in citing to riot. Similarly police authorities of other not-hit cities report nun dreds of guns still missing in- eluding several high-powered rifles, stolen during racial dis- turbances in Los Angeles, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Buffalo, and Grand Rapids. THE UNSUNG HEROES Statistics gathered by a Senate Judiciary subcommittee reveal that the job of the firefighter Might Be Called Dead Letter Flood EOCLES, England (UPI) it was good fun at least," said Mayor George Nolan as he stood in the middle of scattered letters and debris which Uttered the town's airfield. Eccles had tried to launch 450 letters in five rockets to celebrate the airfield's 75th anniversary. Four of the five rockets exploded shortly after they were launched.

any of the material things. "However, what we lacked in material things, we also lacked in warmth and care and love. "That is why I sought warmth and love in other ways. I found out that if you make people laugh, they like you. Most people got to like me because made them laugh.

When they didn't, I hit them." Buddy cupped the lower chin in his palm. "As the years passed, I found myself with an older group of people. That is, when 1 was like ten, I hung around with people like 14. This paid off when I got old enough to play in the night clubs, because my friends were old enough to pay the bills. This is good, ain't it? and how I am such a success." Buddy thinks he is very funny look at people and they're laughin', is how I know; I proposed to 13 girls and they all laughed right in my The News over 65 die without trying open heart massage or electrical stimulation: "No harm was done during this time." WASHINGN Sen.

Robert P. Griffin, urgin the Senate to investigate the arrangement between the Army and the National Rifle Association oa the sale of surplus Army rifles: "I was astonished to learn that members of the Detroit Police Department cannot purchase surplus carbines unless they first join and pay dues the National Rifle Association." LONG LOCKS O.K. SANTIAGO. Chile 'ITI'-El Siglo, the Communist Party organ here, has endorsed the wearing of Beatle-style long hair by male teen-ageri. The clinching argument: Karl Marx also sported long locks, ights ienated character that helps the New Yorker survive? How to say no to the old lady who asks you to carry her heavy bundle up the subway stairs and then sticks you with carrying it five blocks? How to turn your back on the blind and crippled Negro beggar, son of the city, who moves haltingly through the swaying and screaming subway car seeking coins for his paper Cup? How to intimidate the apartment building superintendent who won't come to fix your broken doorbell, your pilot light, your dripping faucet? The city can get you down.

They told me back in the sticks it would be like this. To top it off, a wise New York billy goat at the Central Park Zoo butted me in the rear. And yet, we have not surrendered the myth. We have found a comfortable apartment with a view, throughtfully rent-controlled by the city, situated a block from a romantic Chinese restaurant that never closes. The other day, brooding over a $5 ticket for a lousy few minutes overtime at the meter, I watched from the apartment window a late summer thunderstorm move in low across the Hudson River.

The great buildings of downtown Manhattan were blotted out in its dark cloud. The rain hammered violently at the window, accompanying my lowdown mood. Then as suddenly as it swept in, the storm was over. The sun glazed that familiar, loveable skyline and the air was as crisp and electric as on a Vermont hillside. This was more like it.

Like so many other things, it came to me, New York is what you make it. We'll give it a try. If it doesn't work out, there's aways the psuedosticks called the suburbs out there at the end of a fun train ride. 19. Doubts 21.

Assam 22. Morsel 23. Base-ment entrances 24. Microbe 27. Tree- 30.

Strike 31. Carried, 33. Unable to hear 34. Girl's name Saturday's Asnrer 30. Fastens 38.

Viper nickname 35. Contended 40. Speak Rw AR 5 lS TilA ER JE 5" I E3fMFi "En zM2JL 2. E2 a Trf31o A jf til Em jjj ATmEJJS I A Mfllll 5P FFr i ea1beItIsI By EARL WILSON Nothing about a new dress makes a woman feel better than seeing it in another store at a higher price. local auto dealer accepted a set of drums as part payment on a new car because the guy who owned the drums was his upstairs neighbor.

guys who got married to avoid the draft have learned (says the cynic) that it's easier to spend two years with a rifle than a lifetime with a battleaxe. NEW YORK Ava Gardner's husbands never forget her. she's been living in Frank Sinatra's house at Las Brisas, Mexico. an ex-husbandly gesture by Frank who's too busy to go to Mexico now, though he's not only very welcome there but wanted there. The world's fastest-spreading rumor, that Sinatra might be barred from working in Nevada, including at Las Vegas Caesar's Palace where he has a new 3-year contract, is vigorously denied by the Nevada Gaming Commission.

But friends are asking whether, in view of recent difficulties, he might decide he doesn't need the nightclub routine anymore, and give that all up. The "Secret Marriage" rumors about Eddie Fisher and Connie Stevens heard earlier this year are around again. Pat Nugent checked in at the NY Hilton white 10-gallon hat all. Adler and Susan Stein have a 10 a.m.-to-nooh rapid reading course together. Charlie Berns is getting out of a hospital after minor surgery.

father was an exterior decorator," says Detroit's John J. Plomp. "A house-painter." Billy Reed's Barberry Room reopened with fanfare and Peter Duchin music (the Dolph Tray-man Trio). Susann was in evening pants and emerald paillettes revealing she's written a "Valley of the Dolls" song with Bob Gaudio. (duch*ess of Park Av.) Hampton laughingly told me she's in her mid-50s adding, "Do you think I'm fool enough to tell you my right Nai Bonet is introducing the "Now Look," not to be confused with the New Look, to the Now Generation, in mini-minis from Cheetah Boutique.

A couple of years ago. Rocky Roberts the Airedales, a Negro group from Newport News, were a medium success at the Roundtable here. Invading Europe, they've become very hot with a No. 1 record, "Stasera Mi Buto" I'll and Rocky Roberts is celebrity in Home and Paris. Now the English version of hoi hit on the t'nited Artists has been picked by the Time 0 Opinions Of Others 0 RUSSIANS ARE WATCHING The Milwaukee Journal The seizure in South Africa of Russian spy Yuri Loginov and his confession involving many Russian diplomats around the world in the Soviet spy network shows again that while American-Russian relations have been slowly easing, a covert cold war continues.

The Soviet Union keeps a close and secret watch on the world. It can be assumed that we keep the same sort of eye on Russia. Commenting on this in the New York Times, C. L. Sulzberger points out that between March of 1966 and April of this year 107 Soviet intelligence officers have been unmasked around the world.

Included was the arrest in Italy last March of Giorgio Rinaldi, who exposed a long list of Russians engaged in intelligence work. There are two major sources of intelligence agents in the Soviet Union, the GRU (military) and the KGB (interior ministry). It is believed that Russian embassies get at least half their staffs from these two agencies. In some, 80 per cent of the staff is made up of agents. But they use other cover, too.

Of the spies exposed last year, 45 used a diplomatic cover, 30 journalistic, 15 commercial representatives, 5 were employed by the airline Aeroflot and 6 were cultural representatives. Besides intelligence agents we and the Russians are using submarines and trawlers with electronic devices, radio, spy satellites, and are ceaselessly checking scientific and other literature. In the easing cold war the spies still haven't come in out of the cold. College Graduates DAILY CROSSWORD Hill it riiminate Confusion? DENVER, Colo. H'PIi-Klemens name legally changed.

The Denver couple told District Court Judge Don D. Bowman that they wanted to "conform to their personal tastes and preferences and eliminate confusion by relatives Now they are Klens and Eugenia and Eugenia Zimt have had their and friends." Milunicwicz. They'll Do It Every ACROSS 1. Clean 6. Mop IL Heart artery 12.

In that place 13. Pipes 14. Gamut 15. Canadian province: abbr. 16.

Prison official 17. Address 18. Semblance 20. Abounding 22. Paper sack 25, Species of iris 26.

French river 28. Greek letter 29. Playhouse 31. Lively 32. Exist 33.

Pious 36. Captured combatant: abbr. JT. Arabian chieftain 38. Assumed nam 41.

Catkin 42. Russian girl's name 43. Loses color 44. Kitten DOWN 1. Perched Display 3.

Spheres 4. Shosho-nean 5. Eastern title 6. Ramble 7. Repair: chiefly British 8.

Rupture 9. Goad 10. Existed 16. Pals 17. Cease.

18. Wurt-tem-Taerg measure I h. lb eo zi mi 1 Letter of agreement, disagreement, or on topics not covered by editorial opinion on this page are cordially encouraged Due to space limitations, letters should be no more than 300 words in length. They should be addressed "To The Editor" at Box 2030, Tyler, Texas 75701. Hatlo's Because Then Dave Noise Irks By PHYLLIS BATTELLE NEW YORK-Researchers at the Univ.

of Mich, have announced that noise disturbs college graduates a good deal more than it bothers less well-educated people. They came to this conclusion after testing volunteers with 150 different appliance-like noises in a living room "laboratory" at Ann Arbor. Now why, many disturbed collegians are probably asking, should this be so? The implication clearly is that learning makes you more sensitive or at least gives out more willies than non-education. And, since we live in an age where the number of noises from various nooks, crannies and discotheques gels louder by the day, it would seem to be a good excuse for drop-out. But I know the real reason behind the results of this research, because I learned them some time ago from a doctor at Michigan State University, who was a good four years ahead of his competitive surveyors at the U.

of M. Dr. Leroy Augenstein, biophysicist, implied in 1963 that brainy people have "built-in noise." He said that our minds operate much the way electronic computers do. In the human brain, there are molecules which receive, store, and use information. These molecules change shape as the information is fed into the brain, and they do it with such rapid-fire speed that the average human brain is making 20 to 25 split-second decisions per second.

And a real, all-out, intellectual, working brain can make 30 decisions per second. Dr. Augenstein said the eye relays information to the brain in bursts. Each burst lasts only 33-1000ths of a second, and yet sends inward vast amounts of information about the outside environment. Between successive bursts there is an interval of about 250-lOOths of a second during which the information is stored where it is temporarily avail-abli (or processing bj the I IS Kte IT IB 19 j0 llIIII 5 OTilii I 1 1 1 1 brain's molecular "computer." This explains why an individual can recall many things about a scene he views for only a fraction of a second.

And the more active his brain, the more he remembers. All those little bursts. Those decisions, decisions, decisions. Pow, pow, pow. If you don't understand Dr.

Augenstein's theory, who can blame you. Your brain's too noisy to think. Buddy Hackett, co-starring at the Palace Theatre on Broadway with Eddie Fisher, recalls his beady, little eyes wistful how he got into show business. "I tell ya," he said, "I didn't come from no poor immigrant family because was already here in Hie country when was born. My father was a genius.

He invented the first convertible sofa made like double beds but he was a lousy businessman, so we didn't have Quotes From CON THIEN, Vietnam-A Marine commenting on the situation at this northernmost American post which has been under virtual around the clock artillery and mortar fire for the last four days: "You know, your girl forgets to write, the paymaster forgets to pay you, the supply officer forgets to bring food, but Charlie (the Viet Cong), Charlie never forgets you." WASHINGTON George Squibb, former head of the pharmaceutical firm E. R. Squibb admitting to Congress that brand name drugs were overpriced: "Top quality or specially packaced nroducts of all kinds are marked at higher prices than their plain or standard counterparts. LONDON The British Health Ministry, commenting on an order, in effect for 16 months at London Hospital, to let patients I to XnCREDULA COAPLAIMEP TO WUB3Y WINESAP THAT SUE HAD NO PLACE TO WEAR. HER, FORMAL GOWNS'" SO WiKEY VAMGLEP A BIO TO HIS BOSS'S COUNTRY CLUB SOIREE- SO NOW LISTEN TO THE LITTLE LADY vis BSjf I NEVER HAVE A CHANCE TO PSBUT I CANT WEAR ANY OP pH WEAR MY EVENING THESE WORN-OUT THINGS- 1 HVE W-E TO ITK I'LL HAVE TO GET A NEW I -gjAA PORttM.

AFFAIR. 'J X-U jMESS---AND AT THE LAST Vl iL -ud 164 NEWMAN ST, NVcJcWT A 11 4 if 1 Af 1 BRENTWOOD, Plffii RvH- 'tf DAILY CRiTTOQUOTE Here' how to Tork Itt iXTDLB A1XI Is LONOFILLOW One letter simpry stands for another. In this sample A is cs4 for the three L's, for the two O's, eta. Single letters, spot trophies, the length and formation of the words are aU hints, Xaea day the cod tetters are different. A Cryptogram QnoUttosi WXG ZSU SU KIQZ ZXSB SU UNKX SIVZNOU, SGB BXSJ KNOX WNKG V.


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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.