South Park One Shots - Craig x Stan - 1 (2025)



(Stan Pov)


sighing I rolled over hearing giggling downstairs making me confuse as I stood up walking out of my room and halfway down the stairs peeking over to see Dad talking to a lady who had a long green dress and blonde hair as they sat on the sofa laughing.

I've haven't seen Dad this happy after Mom left with Shelly...

"Laura I'm so glad you came over today, I'll make sure to talk to Stan when I get time" Dad said making the lady nod with a sweet smile "that's great I'll tell my son that he has nothing to worry about at school tomorrow" she responded checking the clock gasping "oh no I must be going, my husband isn't going to be so happy" she said a bit worried as she walked over to the door as my Dad followed.

"keep safe Laura!" he said opening the door for her as she left, he soon turned around with a goofy smile spotting me on the stairs "S-Stan!" he said blushing making me stare at him confuse. "come sit we need a talk" Dad responded as we both walked over to the sofa.

"so Craig's Mom came over as you saw and Craig is dealing with his break up with his ex" he stated "Tweek and Craig broke up?" I said shocked seeing my Dad nod "yes and his Mom wants you to talk to him a lot more and maybe be more friendly with him" he said giving me a hopeful stare.

sighing I nodded a bit annoyed since Craig was always the one starting fights with me.


A year later


I kept staring at Craig who sat beside me playing with his food "Marsh how did you deal with yourparents spiting?" Craigquestion looking over at me for a second before turning his eyes back at his food.

I thought for a moment "not well but after I saw my Dad becoming happy going out more I guess I moved on" I responded thinking about my Mom and sister, I haven't seen them both for two years now yet I can't help but wonder why Craig is asking me.

"why?" I asked seeing him flip me off, "it's because Craig's Dad fucked another girl!" Cartman laughed out earning Craig to stand up and storm off in anger. "what the fuck Fatass!" I hissed out following Craig, I soon found him outside about to light acigarette making me run over knocking the death stick out of his hand.

"what the fuck Marsh!" he hissed out pushing me to the wall I glared back at him not breaking our eyes, "your not fucking smoking Tucker!" I hissed out as Craig could only roll his eyes at me letting go of my hands.

"what do you want?" he mumbled leaning on the wall as I watched, "for you to talk to me" I responded as Craig could only look down. "it's true what Fatass said" he whisper making me walk over putting a hand on his shoulder since he's not a fan of hugs.

"I over heard my parents fighting last night and... my Dad left and I don't think he's coming back" Craig added making me want to give the boy a hug more, "I'm so sorry Craig" I said showing all my sadness in my voice.


A year and a half later


I couldn't help but chuckle at Craig who were in my bed asleep as I lay on the flour, me and Craig been getting so close and I'm pretty sure my Dad and his Mom are like best friends! they almost go out every night letting me and Craig see each other more.

through out the years and days I found myself staring and loving everything about Craig, I was there for him when he had a break up and I was there for him when he's family was going down hill I was sure I had a crush on him.

I was pulled out of my thoughts hearing the door downstairs being open making me stand up knowing it's my Dad and maybe Craig's Mom, opening my door and walking to the stairs my eyes widen seeing Dad making out with Craig's Mom making me run back to my room in shock.

waking up Craig as I closed my door hearing him groan annoyed "Marsh what the hell dude" he muttered out sitting up, "I-I" I tried speaking trying my hardest to tell him the scene I saw downstairs but couldn't find my voice.

Craig got up and pulled me into a hug rubbing my back "Stan what's wrong, talk to me" he said worried making me slowly clam down. is this even right liking someone when their parent is dating yours!?

"I s-saw our parents making out downstairs" I whisper feeling Craig pull away in shock, "wait really?" he said wanting to leave but I stopped him "t-trust me you don't want to see that and..." I stated wanting to say more but thought about what was best for my Dad...

"I think their both happy..." I whisper knowing I can never date Craig if my Dad is in love with his Mom...


5 month later


I kept my head berried in my pillow as I could hear Craig's Mom downstairs, "boys we're leaving so be good!" she called out moment later I could hear the front door open and closed signing that they left.

I soon hear knocking knowing it's Craig who came out of his bedroom, "it's open" I called out hearing him open my door and walk over without a word. as I was about to lift up my head I felt hands on my back pushing me down, "stay like that so... I don't see your face" Craig mumbled out,

I swear he's too cute... sighing at my stupid thoughts I stayed as I was not lifting my head up as Craig coughed getting his voice, "S-Stan I know we been close friends and some may call us brothers" he started making my heart break a bit at the word brothers...

I don't want to be his brother yet... he's lover? boyfriend? anything but a brother...

"b-but you'll never be my brother Stan because my Parents didn't make you, and I am so grateful that you aint" Craig added making me confuse. what the hell is Craig talking about, "Craig just tell me what's going on?" I said annoyed.

I heard Craig sigh before feeling his hands rub my back making me bit my lip as I shivered, "I like you Marsh and this isn't wrong since we're not family" he whisper making me blush. "and I was wondering if you'll go out with me" Craig asked letting me sit up to look over at the blushing boy, "yes!" I said with joy jumping into his arms.

we both laughed as we stare at each other on my bed, "lets not tell our Parents until it's right" I whisper earning Craig to nod not really bothered about them. Craig lean closer connecting our lips into a loving kiss as I wrap my arms around his shoulders as he's hands were on my sides.

maybe I can just hope they break up soon so me and Craig won't be hiding forever...

South Park One Shots - Craig x Stan - 1 (2025)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.